Category Archives: Projects

Bumber by Number

Bumber by Number Mural, 2011
Digital prints, cast crayon and cast paper. 8’ x 24’

Playing on the art historical references in traditional paint by numbers, Bumber by Number was an interactive mural and homage to Edouard Manet’s “Le Dejeuner sue L’Herbe,” (Luncheon on the Grass.) Set as a stage the audience was invited to step into this modified recreation of one of art history’s most famous rejected artworks Continue reading Bumber by Number


Nellies, 2010
Cast plaster. 11” x 6” x 6”

An edition of 50 cast busts of  Nellie Cornish were self-produced and made available to artists affiliated with the college as blanks. Each effigy serving as a template to express the multitude of creative voices.

Continue reading Nellies

Creative Feast

Creative Feast, 2010
Digital prints, cast crayon and cast paper. Dimensions variable.

As the viewer enters the space the environment transforms from a modern interior into a life-size color by number installation. The imagery teeters between an idealistic garden and a more realistic representation of what the undeveloped landscape may have looked like sans development. Continue reading Creative Feast

A Little Color in the White House

A Little Color in the White House
2009 Sharpie on paper & cast crayon. 12’ x 17’ x 12’

A Little Color in the White House is intended to be an open critique of the precarious state of our political and economic standpoint. While the location (state dining room) is a place of power, grandeur, and exclusivity, the space is entirely illusionistic. No matter how detailed and intricate, the suspension of disbelief is fleeting; it remains a thinly veiled artifice. Continue reading A Little Color in the White House