Coyote Now: Bones

Coyote Now: Bones, 2016
Ink on board paper and cast crayon. 6” x 0.5” x 6.25”

Presented as a set of eight crayons cast as colorful, yet realistic replicas of Coyote bones, the piece combines the recognizable tools of creativity with plateau lore. The only way to truly tell if Coyote’s adventure is at its end- is by his death, and conversely, each new saga begins with his resurrection. Sweatlodge gave his cousin, the Fox, the ability to revive Coyote if even a shred of bone or fur remained. These cast crayon bones, symbolically become these remains, offering the opportunity to bring Coyote back to life. This reference to the vehicle of Coyote’s immortality serves as a reminder that we can make the choice to continue the authorship of cultural practice, to be active in creating and reinforcing cultural identity while embracing indigenous methodologies. Essentially, through our creative labors, we wield the power to bring coyote back to life.

2016 Sgwigwial?txw@20: Building Upon the Past, Visioning Into the Future, Evergreen Gallery, Olympia, WA